Friday, December 21, 2007

Eat leeks in tide and garlic in May, and all the year after physicians may play.

I got rid o' my vLogs because heck I never like my productions! I do that quite often..delete vLogs after I post 'em! I don't sign right, I make funny faces, and whatnot! Probably not true, but I think so heh aanndd I think as I go, so my points are all over the place and I don't explain things very well. So, I found a great vLog that gets my point across better : )

Jon Savage's BULLY ASL

Homemade Eggnog

4 egg yolks
1/3 cup + 1 tbsp sugar
1 pint whole milk
1 cup heavy cream
3 ounces bourbon
1 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
4 egg whites

In bowl of a stand mixer, beat the egg yolks until they lighten in color. Gradually add the 1/3 cup sugar and continue to beat until it is completely dissolved. Add the milk, cream, bourbon, and nutmeg and stir to combine.
Place the egg whites in a clean bowl of a stand mixer and beat to soft peaks. With the mixer still running, gradually add 1 tbsp sugar and beat until stiff peaks forms.
Fold the egg whites into the yolk mixture. Chill and serve.
Cooked Eggnog for high risk populations:
Beat the yolks in a stand mixture until they lighten in color. Gradually add 1/3 cup of sugar and beat until dissolved. Set aside.
In medium saucepan, over high heat, comvine the milk, heavy cream, nutmeg, and bring just to a boil, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and gradually temper the hot mixture into the egg and sugar mixture, then return everything to the pot and cook until the mixture reaches 160 degrees. Remove from heat, stir in bourbon, pour into medium bowl, and set in refrigerator to chill.
In medium mixing bowl, beat the egg whites to soft peaks. With the mixer running, gradually add 1 tbsp sugar and beat until stiff peaks form. Whisk into chilled mixture.

Soup with potatoes and leeks have got to be my favorite. This recipe worked well, but I was upset I didn't have any bacon! Cook the veggies in bacon fat and crumble some bacon over the soup at the end. Yumm-o!

Potato Leek Soup

a lot of butter or even better, bacon fat!!
a pound of medium size potatoes of any kind (used red), diced
two medium leeks, white and light green part only, cleaned and sliced
small onion, diced (don't need onions, but I had some I wanted to use up)
four cups warmed free range low sodium chicken broth
1/2-1 cup heavy cream (preferred), milk, or half-and-half
salt and pepper

Heat up the fat in a large pot over medium-high and add the vegetables. Season with salt. Cook until softened slightly, 5 to 7 minutes. Add enough warmed broth to cover vegetables; bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer for twenty minutes until potatoes are cooked through. Smash the potatoes slightly with wooden spoon and stir in cream. Cook a bit longer until soup has thickened.
In small batches (SRSLY. small batches, okay?? otherwise the soup is gonna explode!), puree in blender and return to pot. Reheat soup, taste for seasoning (I added white pepper. Freshly ground black pepper works, but white isn't visible). Stir in dill and serve.


Anonymous said...

that cute cat with tail around your sign langauge that mean cat tail said hi lol and that good you can use chef for vlog on deafread so couple some deaf dont know how to cook so it good keep post for meal vlog. also i remember when i was married before and she dont know how to cook so i had to teach her how to cook dinner. i told my ex wife what wrong your grandmother or your mom teach to you but they left her out of kitchen out of way. i was surprise but i accept to teach many things for cook dinner. so i thought it good for you to put many things for recept and you will became our meal teacher vlog. i thanks you for recept for egg nod that my favorate for specail for christmas and happy new year but no for valentine and st patick day and july 4 but we can homemake for egg nod for different specail cause egg nod is so great good yummy also you can check on www.deafnewspaper there have asl chef so you will be on deafread make different for everybody can check on deafread. we will check on you for many different recept that will never see before meal. there will be deafread meal that we can eat up your meal vlog take a bite of education. hee smile

Anonymous said...

About time we're seeing more like you BUCKING THE DEAF ESTABLISHMENT! But, you have to admit to an inconsistency or whatever it is called. I'm talking about those Deaf parties and events you went to. Why bother if you have a perception of the majority in those lame scenes?

Anonymous said...

This is such a cute web site! Yummy recipes, too!

Happy Holidays!

Hurry back, please?



Anonymous said...

Hi, Heather,

I am sorry that you had gone through with elitism of Deaf people. I too went through myself. It is unnecessary, really. Yes, I agree about the similiar background of Deaf elitism with Harry Potter's pure witch and muggle people... Yes, I watch the movies with kids, smile.

Actually, I have been busy with my young family that I put aside the social life for them. I do not have time for them anyway.

To 9:17am Anonymous, obviously this scenes bothers Heather. Like it did to me. You do not know what it is like, being leftout in the middle. You have a desire to be part of these scenes, but you realize that you are not enough for them regardless. That is a lame reminder.

Ok, Take care... You have a lot to offer anyway. Be proud what you are and chin up! Smile!

Karen Mayes said...

Hey, recipes look yummy! I was thinking of making eggnog earlier today ;o)

Well, just be yourself, find your comfort zone of who you are and if you are happy, great. Negative feelings seem to run rampant nowadays, especially with holidays coming up fast.

Take care... keep cooking away...


Anonymous said...


Michelle D said...

I agree with you totally about elitism! I'm only deaf person in my family - none in family history that has deafness. I know how you feel about elitism.
Deaf people from deaf community SHOULD embrace any people with all kinds of deafness such as born deaf, cochlear implant users, oralism, later become deaf, etc.
More they include those people, more deaf community will grow and have more exposure to ASL, etc.
I hope that they'll do this soon!
Eggnog recipe sounds so yummy!
Merry Christmas!

LauraEurope said...

loved your blog.

have a great time in the south. i'm curious who else reads your blogs too...and what they will have to say!

i'll close my eyes said...

I am quite the cook myself and am thrilled to see another deaf person having a passion in food like I do- and MY AGE no less. Awesome! Right now I'm working on vegan donuts to bake for a nearby cafe. =) And lets see.... I have thought about making vlogs about my cooking but because I have a 1 yr old boy that takes up like... 24 hours of my time haha.

i'll close my eyes said...

Egg nog?? Wow I've been thinking about making some but am scared to try...

Anonymous said...


I agree with you about Deaf elitisms, they are out there but I want to remind you not all of them are behaving like that.

I occasionally stop by your blog looking for any dish you created. It is fancy to read about your love for cooking. I am not "the cook" but will make something when ever the mood strikes me. 2 days ago I made tortilla soup- meatless. Oh my gosh, so delicious! I wonder if you have ever cook that?

I appreciate d/Deaf diversity. I also appreciate your honest upfront statement. It is NOT first time I hear that though. btw, I came from deaf family with rural/farming background. I'm humble and care about YOU and others.


Peace Holidays

Anonymous said...

anna s speaks . . .

Wow. I let out a big chuckle at
the very last statement you made.

Love your signing . . . smooth, calm, lucid, and confident moving hands.

Ahem. I am twice your age and despite the fact I am Deaf of Deaf of Deaf, I made the decision to abandon the "elite" as soon as I finished high school. Seeing my mother as a role model I found my inner peace by staying out. Mom taught ASL for many years until she retired. She did Coffee Sundays with her ASL students (Nope, the Coffee Sundays isnt a Deaf event) and developed friendships with late deafened adults. She was awesome. I developed great friendships with deaf/hoh/late deafened/ interpreters. They all taught me so much. I see my life enriched thousand-fold than when I was DOD and being under the microscope and limiting myself to Deafthink such as Deafhood (has ha, yes it is Deafhood). Again I thank my mom for introducing me to the wonderful world on the fringes. No once I wantto return to the high context competitve patronizing world of the elite deaf.

My son has a cochlear implant. Gosh. People have no idea how many times I thank myself and my husband for making the big decision. When people ask me why I am not sneding him to the school for the Deaf (I-school on top of hand), I do give them that face of disbelief. Hell no way! He has us, he has his Deaf grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins. He is performing on ands above grade level without modifications in his class. He has real friends, both deaf/hoh and hearing. He's doing soooo well. Send him there to be branded DEAF ELITE-TO-BE. Hell no. But maybe when he is a Jr. or Sr. because it is a part of a rite-of-passage whether I like it or not. but I fear that moment because the Deaf Community especially the elite group can be subtly cruel especially that my boy has intelligible speech, likes to wear his CI, signs good ASL. It would mean to them he is a "traitor". He probably will either go back to his high school or abandon his CI and switch mouthing in English to mouthing in ASL tobe accepted.

Again, Hell no. A subtle way of saying the last phrase of yours.

Thank you for letting me vent here.


anna s

Anonymous said...

That's how you temper eggs? Just 1/4 at a time. Curdle=scrambled. Hmm. I've learned a couple of new cooking-related terminology from you.


anna s

Kim said...

I just found your blog and this is awesome!!! I am vegetarian, but hey you have some great recipes in here. I'm adding you to my favs. :-)Kim

Belle said...

That's funny because I was thinking about making potato leek soup but I was worried that the leeks would be too fibrous for pureeing and since I wanted a pureed soup I ended up not buying any today! Argh! So the key is only the white and light green parts. Thanks!

I noticed the same parallel in Harry Potter ... I keep in mind that many, many of the purebloods were cool with the mudbloods and that, indeed, is very much a parallel in the deaf world. :) I have seen it myself (in Southern California anyway).

Another parallel is the idea of wizarding school vs. regular school and the idea of deaf school vs., well, regular school. Not as close a parallel but I found it interesting.

Aaron said...

Happy New Year!

Forget about elitists--they just make this world stupid.

Hope you have a great 2008!


liane said...


So glad I'm out of high school. Can't wait until my mom moves so I don't live across CSD anymore >.< Seeing the campus just annoys me sometimes if I'm feeling cranky, but other times it reminds me that I'm free from that hellhole of Deaf elitism.

Something that I just remembered- I was talking with a hearing teacher about Deaf elitism one time and we both agreed that there were classes/castes at CSD with hearing teachers and kids with hearing parents being like second class with deaf teachers/deaf of deaf at top. But when we mentioned it to a Deaf teacher, she tried to claim there was no such thing and that everybody was treated equally. They just don't see what they're doing to others =[

That's why I love RIT. I don't see the elitism, everybody is chill with each other and no one cares if your parents are deaf or whatever.

And the cat was hilarious ;D Chiq does stuff like that all of the time when she wants some attention.

Wendy said...

I found your blog through one of Seek Geo's links. I wanted to say I absolutely LOVE your website with all the delicious recipes and stories through your vlogs! Truly entertaining and inspiring. Please keep this up. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my site, it is about the CresceNet, I hope you enjoy. The address is . A hug.

heather :] said...

sorry for the longest delay in responses! i'm awful at things like that. i always read emails and tell myself i'll respond later but then i never follow up on it! oops.

deaf navy usa- sweet! i'll check out the deafnewspaper site :)

anon- i went to these events because i wanted to be around my deaf friends! but i did not feel very welcome..sometimes! :)

paotie- thank you!! i don't put enough effort in this site ;/ but i sure do hope you'll be a regular visitor!

anon- thank you for your encouraging words. these situations aren't very plesant and sure can put a damper on your day!

karen- if you try my recipe, tell me how you like it! cheers :)

anon- yum, indeed!

michelle- i know!! often people whine about how the community is so small. that's not true! these people just fail to notice (and embrace) the "d"eaf who (like me, though i don't know if i'm D/deaf? ah heck the definition of D/deaf confundles me!) would love to be an active part of the community!

laura- gosh, yes! i often wonder if """elitists""" bother to read/view my b/vLogs!

all i wanted- i hope to see you on the blogosphere some day!! i used to be a vegetarian and really enjoyed the challenge of modifying recipes to suit my lifestyle. i bet making vegan donuts must be a fun challenge!

LS- yes, not all of them behave like that! i hope these people can be an influence to others. embrace every d/Deaf individual! i actually never have had tortilla soup ;/ thank you for your kind words! your family has background in farming? excellent! i just did a vLog about small-scale farming vs mega farms :)

anna- funny, i dislike how i sign!! and GOOD FOR YOU! you know what your family needs :) don't comform to elitism! and no, while tempering eggs you do not need to continously add the hot liquid a 1/4 cup at a time. that's a suggested amount for the initial tempering! first you add a small amount of hot liquid and constantly whisk to avoid curdling/scrambling the eggs, and then the whole amount can be added. hope that was clear!

kim- i'll be sure to post vegetarian recipes! i was a vegetarian for quite a while, and currently i only buy my meat from local, sustainable sources!

bella- yeah, white and greens only!! i love leeks, especially when cooked in heavy cream. mmmm! i hope you'll be making potato leek soup, for it's my absolute favorite soup to make thus far.

aaron- i hope 2008 finds you well!

liane- tell your ma to get out of there already!! i truly am glad you're enjoying RIT :)

wendy- thank you!! please do continue visiting this blog :)

crescent- yarrr, spam?? >:/

Anonymous said...


I keep coming back to this post and reading the comments about elitism, and I could not remain silent any longer. It hurts me to realize that you feel this way about the community, though I do not want to detract from your experiences nor to invalidate them. Please don't take my feelings personally - it probably stems from the fact that I do everything in my power to encourage respect and acceptance of everyone, both in my job and in my personal life.

I just want to let you know that I, and quite a few others who might be considered "elite" based on where we went to school, our signing skill, and so forth, are trying to combat this concept of rejecting *anyone* based on their background, signing skill, or parentage. This practice goes both ways - I've been snubbed and mocked by some oral/mainstreamed deaf people because I choose not to use my voice and because I openly support ASL/English bilingual education for deaf children, and I've seen this happen to others as well. There are some jerks in every group that will be mean to others, y'know, but not all oral, mainstreamed, residential school graduates, deaf of deaf, etc, people are like that. The majority really aren't. I find the majority in all groups to be quite open and willing to accept each other the more I travel and meet different people. I honestly believe that more and more people are seeing the value of respect for diverse backgrounds/experiences and for the need for unity that allows us to be able to dialogue and, at times, disagree with respect. We aren't "there" yet, not by a long shot, but if we all work toward it, we will get there.

Heather, as someone who has talked with you in person, your signing is absolutely fine. *smile* (and no, I'm not measuring you against some pre-conceived benchmark of what is "acceptable!" *grin*)

I hope you'll continue to make your unique voice "heard," to combat this unfortunate tendency that some of us have to black-ball others based on their fill-in-the-blank, and to be yourself. :)

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, and I, as a bleeding-heart liberal, am *loving* how you keep talking about free-range meat, organic produce, et cetera. ;)

Anonymous said...

I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing

Anonymous said...

It is useful to try everything in practice anyway and I like that here it's always possible to find something new. :)