Saturday, July 9, 2011

Testing One, Two, Three...

There are too many memories in this blog so I cannot bear to delete all the old entries. I can remember each meal I posted and.. how happy I was during these days. Young, naive, and free of responsibilities.

So I'll turn this blog private. I need a place to freely write my thoughts and feelings. I used to write in my journal, but I haven't done so in months since Roman read my journal. I don't feel safe writing anymore, but I cannot blame him for reading it. Curiosity gets the best of people.

Hopefully I'll be able to compose my thoughts soon. I have months worth of heavy feelings and complicated emotions. I'm a private person and I struggle to open up, but I think it will be good to do so. Somewhat therupetic.


Jennifer said...

I completely understand. I joke that I am a master with facades because my world could be crashing down around me and even my closest friends and family would never know. I focused, for so long, on making everyone else believe I had the perfect life when in reality it has been far from it. I encourage you to find the inner strength to bare your soul because it is not only incredibly freeing, it's the only way to acquire good support.
I'm here if you ever want to email, IM, text :)

heather :] said...

That's how I am. I put the happiness of others before my own, so I don't let others know when/that I'm breaking down. I look happy when I'm not.

I'm trying to find the strength :) It takes a lot of effort to put things into words. This blog is a big step forward.